Wednesday, November 7, 2012

United States of Socialist America (U.S.S.A.)

On January 20th, 2009, Marx, Lenin and Stalin must all have turned in their graves - for United States has finally elected and sworn in a true socialist to be its President.

Mr. Obama's margin of victory, while respectable, is not a landslide. However, combined with the Congressional elections and the state house elections, a large majority of the Americans have chosen committed socialists into the government. This represents a watershed moment in American society.

Why is this significant? For 230 years, Americans have been entrepreneurial. A majority of the people believed in the American dream - that hard work and dedication combined with perseverance and a little luck would be rightly rewarded with riches. And it has been true. A great many innovations have been richly rewarded. What separates America from the rest of the world is that most of its rich have earned it the hard way. And it was not just a privileged few who could find the riches.

This also mean that risk taking is richly rewarded. Bill Gates, Larry Ellison and Michael Dell are all examples of that. And there are many more. And not just in the technology sector alone. And it is also true that they are many more entrepreneurial people in America than any other country in the world. It is not a slight to the rest of the world, but it is a product of the American system.

Many, if not all of these entrepreneurs originated in the academics. But they left the academics to pursue their dreams and were richly rewarded. And this led to some of the also-ran academics to be jealous, denouncing their very success. And these tend to view it as an injustice. They want equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity - aka, socialism.

Out of this disgruntled academia and the New Deal emerged a political class that embraced socialism - especially because it gave them enormous power over the lives of people. Despite the most spectacular failure of socialism in the former Soviet Union, most of the Academics and the socialist politicians think that if only if they had the chance, the would do it differently and better than the soviets.


I wrote this 4 years ago and never published. And the day after the 2012 elections, it is still fit to be published.

Majority of Americans have chosen government handouts to individual effort and betterment. America has suffered irreparable damage, it is going to hurt future generations.

Greece, here we come - America joins your path.