Saturday, October 13, 2012

Pro Choice - what's that?

Over the years, the media has come up with many monikers for different issues. Some are catchy, while others have been duds. But none is as controversial as Pro Choice.

Pro-Choice: a woman's right to choose. Not just anything, only her right to choose an abortion.

So, what's the other side of this debate portrayed as: Pro-Life.

In the realm of opposites, some one who is opposed to Pro-Life is anti-life, right!? I can't imagine anyone admitting to that. But in the fiercest of debates, many pro-choice supporters have expressed anti-life views. This is tragic.

The central issue is abortion. It is neither pro-choice or pro-life. It is not one's opinion or faith, it simply is a medical necessity. Like all medical procedures, it should only be performed when absolutely necessary and no other options exist.

Left media's arch enemy, Former President George W. Bush had put it elegantly - Abortion should be safe, legal & rare. Can any rational person argue with that?

Apparently, they can. And they have - through many law suits to such basic requirements as parental consent for under-aged minors, guidance counseling, etc. This is quite a travesty.

So, if a woman wants to say since it is my choice, I want to abort any pregnancy any time I want, I think we have a larger social dysfunction in place.

Pro-Choice is probably the worst moniker there is.

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