Wednesday, December 26, 2007

30-years of experience

How did she come up with that? 30-years of experience with what? Politics? How so?

She was a young attorney during the Watergate episode. If she included that, it would be more like 40-years. After that she was just another attorney. While some attorneys (just a very few) do public service, most of them are just lining up their pockets - albeit performing a very important civic function. How could she include that in her resume?

Then she was the First Lady of Arkansas. That is not political experience - unless, she really ran the government while her husband was busy with you know what!!

Then she was the First Lady of US. And of course, she tried some politicking (Universal Health-care). And we all know how well it ended up. Well, she tried to defend her husband during the Lewinksky saga - somewhat effectively I should say.

Finally, as the Junior Senator from New York since 2000.

All I could count was about 10 or so years of political experience. How did it add up to 30? Don't most folks in their late-50s have about 30-years of experience?

And the big question is: Why did not any reporter bother questioning her math? Or, at least, ask her if that was all political experience?

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