Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Culture of Speed

Not sure if this happens everywhere. But where I live (Bluest State), I see people either zipping past me on the highway or impatiently tailgating me on local roads. It is not like I am a slow driver. I always drive at the speed limit - no matter what the speed is or what my situation is. And I am not hogging the left lane either. So, here I am going at 65mph on the right lane and everyone else is zipping by me on the other lanes. And then there are all these impatient guys who want me to go fast - just so they can get off their exist at their pace. And it is not just the young. Everyone alike. And then there are those that don't even let you get into the right lane after safely passing someone who is slower (this does not happen often, but it still does).

And of course, there is the school zone. Teachers and parents with kids are flying by to the school. And here I am - not much to do with that school or its safety, but simply obeying the speed limit. Gosh, wonder what these teachers do teach!!

And the guys zipping past me when they see a cop is to SLAM their brakes and start going at 50mph. I am sure they have no idea what the speed limit is.

My question is this: Does any one realize that 'Speed Limit' is one of the most basic "laws" of a civil society? And it is not just when a cop is near by. Even if you have never been caught speeding, your civic duty is to not speed even when the cop is not around.

Car commercials don't help - it is all about zoom, zoom.

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